Seven Dimensions of Wellness

Everyone should be aware of the seven dimensions of wellness and keep them in mind when thinking about living a healthy lifestyle and for their own well-being. These include- physical, emotional, intellectual, social, spiritual, environmental, and occupational. All of these components together provide for a well-balanced life. It is mentioned that neglect of any one of these dimensions for any length of time has negative effects on overall health of an individual. I challenge you to look deeper at yourself and focus on your mind and body and connect to each of these dimensions and see how they play a part in your life currently. 


  1. Surprisingly, I am actually familiar with the dimensions. I took a number of psychology classes while I was a student at CCAC, and one of my professors required that we write a wellness journal every week about one of the dimensions. I personally enjoyed keeping a wellness journal since it forces you to examine your life from the outside, enabling you to see areas that could use improvement, whats already going great, and the step you could take to make those improvements. There were eight dimensions in my professor's system, and the eighth was financial and should be taken into account as well as the others

  2. As a School Wellness educator I am familiar with these terms of wellness due to learning about them all in my foundations class. The curriculum for physical education has changed many times over the years and now educators are starting to make a shift towards wellness which includes all the components you listed. It's not just about physical education that will have an affect on all these but how you live your life on a day to day basis, and how you can actively be healthier.


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